Friday, March 27, 2009

They're here! They're FINALLY here!

Whew, finally! The Shepherd has been on pins and needles all day - 2 hour checks then 1 hour checks - We didn't even go on our regular Friday night date - dinner and grocery shopping (I tried a new Chinese take out restaurant on the way home - blech - they won't be there long)

Then finally at 10:30 p.m. just before he was going to head for bed, he went out to check one more time.

I was working on an essay - nice and cozy with a freshly baked cookie in my hand -

Bang, bang on the window - Oh, oh, that must mean babies - run to the bathroom & go before you hit that cold night air, put another jacket on under the coat - don't want those two chiropractic appointments to get ruined by a frozen back (*that's a whole nother story - began a week ago by just bending over to dry off my feet - ouch)

By the time I got out there, Luna and The Shepherd had the first one pretty much cleaned off - then plop, out came this one -

Oh, man, they are BOTH rams. It's hard not to be disappointed, as they are both healthy, but 8 out of the last 9 lambs born here have been of the male persuasion. Something's gotta give here soon. Maybe Pearl will have a couple of girls.

Look at the belt on that little guy - we might call him Galloway (like the belted cows)

Whew - that being born stuff is hard work!

How much do you weigh little guy? Boy #1 was 5.5 lbs and boy #2 was 4.5 lbs. They both got a good drink of milk before I came in - The Shepherd stayed out for a few moments longer to button things up.

Yes, Luna, they are very handsome - and will probably get you to run off some of that excess baby weight that you've been packing, while you chase them up and down the pasture.

She was very attentive and talking to them all the time. I think she is going to be a good mom.


Franna said...

Good Girl Luna! Hey, I think we got some of "your" girls. 5 lambs so far, and all ewes. I'm not complaining!
- Franna

....what kind of cookie???

Sharrie said...

Nice lambs. I am having a similar problem, even black with white belts, but they are bull calves. Tooooo many boys!

Leigh said...

Congratulations! On the healthy mom and lamb part at least. Great photos..... so cute!

Michelle said...

Man, you've got to drill a new well. There's something in your water!

Mim said...

It does look like Franna has all the girls. I have no lambs yet, so your ahead of me! Congratulations!

Donna said...

Congratulations! It's great that Luna and her lambs are healthy and you could sleep!

HisTek said...

congratulations!!!!! The "boys" are beautiful!
Jackie Craw

Tammy said...

Congrats! And I'm sure a big sigh of relief. They are lovely little boys, and I do love that 'white belt'. What cuties. I know what you are excited and happy that they are born healthy and lovely, but ---not another little rammy! ha...I'm still waiting on River to lamb here. I suspect she is waiting for the snow storm to roll in..

Gone2theDawgs said...

Thinking positive thoughts of nothing but ewes for you next! Those are gorgeous little boys, though, and I love the name Galloway!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Whee, they're here! How cute.

Lilylou said...

They are beautiful, all right, Tina, but girls rule in the lamb department, I guess.

Kathy said...

Congratulations! How wonderful to see the spotting coming out of HB! Way to go, Luna! :)

I'll keep fingers crossed for the rest to be girls.

vlb5757 said...

Well that is just too exciting! Both boys. Isn't that something. Congrats!

I am hooked on a Lambcam here on the east coast and am hoping to see some lambs and kids being born. Spring is just so exciting!

Kathy said...

More photos!!!! Get busy blogging, Woman! :) I can hardly wait to see what comes next!

(Will try to call later today...doin' barn repairs right now...)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the lambs- And that is a really cool scale. What a great idea!

Sharon said...

I named you today as the recipient of the Proximity award. I hope you will enjoy it.