But first -
Yvonne is a very talented spinner, weaver, & knitter - I met her at the Skagit Highland Games in 2006, when our spinner's guild did a Sheep to Shawl using one of our Shetland fleeces. Then less than a week later, I saw the name "Yvonne" as a commenter on a blog I had just begun to read on a regular basis - Leigh's Fiber Journal and I'll be darned if it wasn't one and the same. (Leigh is a very talented spinner, weaver, knitter too, so it shouldn't have surprised me that they would "know" each other in the blogosphere - I love reading her blog and have learned tons from it - I just find it funny that two people from Bellingham separately knowing another blogger from a whole 'nother part of the country.) Anyhow, I digress.......
Anyhow - Congratulations to Yvonne and her hubby Doug who are not only learning to be shepherds, but, because they want to move their barn, they are learning to be land use consultants too!
On another note - I get a very sweet note of thanks from Meg Gregory at Black Sheep Creamery. I had sent a donation to her directly through our friends Kim & Doug who are caring for the remaining sheep in their flock.
Reading her blog on their website (click on "Musings") is somewhat of a teary adventure. The stories of their flood clean-up rip at your heart, but reading of the generosity of the folks who have come down to their farm to help them clean up and rebuild, mends those rips. Understandably, they have a long way to go. I hope that the money our NW Shetland Sheep Owners raised from our auction helps them a little - and that it helps them to know that other "sheep people" are holding them in their hearts and prayers as well.
What cute lambs! I don't think I've spun CVM before...I'll have to make it a point to get close to one at BSG next year! ;)
Living just four miles inside the California stateline, I've had a lot of fun teasing my friends about being CVMs, but the real CVMs really do make wonderful wool. So many sheep, so little time, but I'll err on the side of Shetlands, thank you very much.
The little lambs are very cute.
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