Looks like everyone had a great time at Miss Peach's birthday party . They met so many new kitties from all over the world and enjoyed Miss Peach's Victorian hospitality. There was a surprise today too, it was Peach's mom Karla's birthday.
Neelix & Sinda joined with all the other kitties to sing "Happy Purrthday" to her - they must have had a big day (takes a lot of energy to teleport - even if you're only going as far as Pasco, WA) They are both crashed out.
They did say that Miss Peach sent this beautiful gold rose home with them for me. Thank you Miss Peach and many happy returns to Mom Karla!

Our cats came home exhausted too, Neelix. I don't know what happened to Ziggy, but he looks like he's got a hangover this morning...maybe Shadow put a little something in his catnip tea?
We hear you are having storms there. We are preparing for a good snow starting tonight and all day tomorrow. Yay!!!!
DH was home all this past week so we missed Miss Peach's party. We also haven't made the rounds on the blogosphere. But he's on the road again so we're back!
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