Can you stand one more picture of our lilies?
John planted this stand of "orienpet" lilies a couple of years ago. I park my car only a few feet away from them. Tonight you could smell them all the way out to the gate (30-40 yards?). It was heavenly - & reminded me of being in Hawaii with it's wonderful fragrence of plumeria.
I think this one is called Caravan.
According to The Lily Garden in Vancouver, WA, The “Orienpets” are relatively new to the lily world, produced after years of efforts to combine the sublime beauty of the Oriental lilies with the more garden persistent, heat tolerant and colorful Trumpet and Aurelian hybrids."
I just love the way it smells -
Come just a little bit closer - can you smell it yet?
Does John have to stake them up? I got some Stargazer Lilies and have placed them on the kitchen table, but I like it when I move them to the coffee table, as the fans we have going help their wonderful fragarence waft through the house.
How did yesterday go? Did you find another girl?
I love lilies!
My neighbors used to have one in their yard, and I could smell it all over our yard.
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