Thursday, the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER, I bought two flats of strawberries and put 10 quarts of them in the freezer for next winter.
I love summer!
I spent a little time finding the beautiful things in our garden.
Stories of everyday life on our farm, featuring cats, our little flock of Shetland Sheep and garden life, plus a recipe to try every once in a while. Wait, now there is spinning and crocheting, don't forget spinning and crocheting all that Shetland wool... So, thanks for stopping by - who knows what you'll find!!
i love sinda's feet and neelix's tail!
i hope you're having a good vacation. i'm feeling much better after my extra day off.
thanks for putting up with my somewhat 'stream of conciousness' email last week. i know i was pretty weird. grief does that.
You are getting VERY creative with that camera, Young Lady! :) And I love it!
Lovely, happy, relaxing post with some lovely photos.
Now I must scroll back and find your long post that I meant to read when I had time.
happy vacation
I am so jealous that you have a vacation! Because I work part-time at one job, there is no such thing as paid vacation time. So no workie, no money. For me, having two days off in a row qualifies as a vacation. lol! It's great that you did things you enjoy.
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