One of our favorite Sunday night suppers is turkey legs - they are CHEAP - generally only .99/lb. and John can snack on them the next few days and then I can make soup with the bones - Just turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and peas. Yum, comfort food - Oh, wait a minute - don't start mashing those potatoes - John thinks that Regina has gone into labor and we have to go put up the lambing jug (pen) - Ok, lids on everything and head off to the barn. Got the jug up, nothing happening, so back in to a somewhat lukewarm dinner - oh well, that's what microwaves are for - BUT! at about 10:30 -
John went out to check on them and - ta da - Houston, we have babies! Here he is drying off the little boy - A ewe lamb - her name is Luna and we haven't decided what to name the little guy yet - it will probably come to one of us in a dream....
Anyhow, you'll get more pics in the next day or two - it's been a very long day, it's almost 1:00 a.m. and I have to work tomorrow
But I knew you'd want to know!
Congratulations! So sweet. And best of all, John is up and about to be a part of what's going on.
OMG!!! Are they cute or what?!!! I will this minute go and tell Mr. Skittles and the girls...Oooo...I'm getting excited - seeing yours eminds me that Amanda is going to pop soon, too. From her bag it appears Skit settled her straight away before we even got a chance to see it (atta-boy, Skit!)!
Too bad Luna isn't Luner then the boy could be Rover...getit? Luna-Rover?
OK, well that's the best I could do without my coffee. ;-)
Blessings to all of you!
You are good to us blog-watchers, keeping us so up-to-date on the lambs of Marietta! Congratulations, and lots of warm fuzzies that John is able to be up and involved with his babies. :-)
Hi all - thanks for stopping by - Yes, I do believe that Regina waited so John could be there - (and boy am I glad!) :-) T.
Wow!!! John is up and checking on the ewes - and drying them off. What great news!!! ...oh! and the lambs are pretty cool, too. ;-)
Look at those little cuties! Farmgirl has babies too. Must be something in the air. She has 31. Can you imagine? I would be dead on my feet. I know it must have been hard for you to go to work after at 1 am post. Bless your heart!
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