Taking pictures of lambs is like trying to photograph a butterfly - it seems like where ever I was pointing the camera, he was somewhere else. Kind of a shy little guy, but then he was probably a little tired, as the vet was out this afternoon to check on his mommy and he got picked up and admired a bunch.
The vet thinks she has a partially retained placenta - we're giving her (well, John is, anyhow) penicillin shots - to keep from infection and supposedly should help things "clean them selves out"
Saturday night before Easter, we had tickets to see the Gutherie family Legacy Tour concert - it is Arlo, his son & daughter, and son-in-law. They also had a pedal steel player with them who doubled on the mandolin - WOW - what a great condert. What a treasure Woody Gutherie was too.
They sing a lot of Woody's music - some that is from words Woody left that other people have put to music and some of Arlo's hits - he is very funny and such a good musician.
Anyway, when we were thinking about names for this little fellow, Arlo seemed just right -
I am glad to hear that "Arlo" is doing fine. And I hope Susie is getting better now...I know taking care of injured or sick sheep isn't fun at all.
What interesting colors Arlo has. We'll have to see what his fleece comes in like as he gets older. (hint, hint...more photos)
I'm on watch myself as I just came in from watching Amanda - she's starting to get a little suspect as she was standing with her head down. The problem with Amanda is that she'll do that sometimes as she watching you. She's also a bit stand-offish so that's not a signal either. I'll check her in a couple of hours)
congratulations on Arlo - I'm sure these lambs have done wonders for John's recovery!
Great name, great photos (including that gorgeous peony)! How many ewes are lambing at Marietta Shetlands this year? With two lambing strikes against her, is Susie going to become a fiber pet?
They sre so darling. We wanted to bring one home from Black sheep last year, but my husband would of had a heart attack if I started something else.
The pictures of the babies are just priceless. I love the one with the baby telling mommy to move it! How funny. I know the lambs are such a joy to you after all the troubles with John's health. I sure wish I lived closer so I could come and love on them!
What a handsome little guy! I, too, will be looking forward to more photos...I would love to see what his fleece does over time.
Oh! Your lambs are sooooo cute! I love these photos.
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