In the mean time, I have an appointment with Dr. Gray, my surgeon, tomorrow in Seattle. I don't have any reason to believe it will be anything but good news - and that she says I can be back at work full time on the 3rd. Hope so, that 's what I've promised my boss.
BTW, I tallied up the "retail" charges (ie. before insurance and all the "write-offs") on my little stay at the UW last month - it's up at about $25K Whew - thank goodness for insurance and AFLAC!

I need to get out and take some more
pictures in our garden, but I'll leave you with this beautiful rosa rugosa - Like Emeril the chef says, "If only there was smellavision" - these have the best rose scent that you'll ever run past your nose.
Oh, and GO MARINERS - what a great game tonight - and they are 17 & 7 for the month of June - hooray!
1 comment:
I found your blog via Farmgirl Fare. I am hoping to move to the country in Texas and raise Soay sheep someday. I love your sheep pictures. I knit and spin so sheep get me excited! I read about the Black Sheep Gathering via one of the guys we met at Maryland Sheep and Wool in May. Nice blog.
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