Monday, January 09, 2012


Mummy loves looking at my furs.

She says ifn I wasn't striped, I'd be a tortoise shell cat (The term “tortoiseshell” is used for cats with brindled coats that have few or no white markings - if there is white, they are calico)

They say tortoise shell cats are fiercely independent and strong willed - that's called TORTITUDE!

Tortitude - That's me alright!

Love, Gracie


Tammy said...

I think she is what is called a 'Torbie' (Tortoiseshell Tabby)--but yes, I'm pretty sure she contains that Torti-tude as well. I used to have an outside cat that looks allot like her. Talk about 'tude. Madison decided after about 10 years that she would rather live down at my Mom's barn. She is still there, at 14 being spoiled with heated discs, special food and lots of babying!
First time I've been rejected by a cat. ha..

Katnip Lounge said...

That Tortie always comes out, no matter what sort of pattern it's in!

Leigh said...

Gracie's a torbie! And a beauty at that. So was Katy, *sigh.