I peered at the clock by my bedside - "7:10", I said.
Although unaccustomed to the freedom from barn duties that comes with vacation, he rolled over and went back to sleep! I was astonished.
Generally I bring my own pillows when we travel by car (or truck) - I like the comfort of my squishy pillow, what can I say? This time, I had the good sense to tuck my little down comforter into my suitcase. Glad I did, as I couldn't find any blankets for the bed. My sister swears they are in plastic bags in the closet but I decided to leave well enough alone - gave The Shepherd the fuzzy green twin size blanket and I had my comforter. It was on the "cool" side at night, so I was glad I had it.
These are the "cliffs" behind our house - unlike the areas that were scoured by the great floods, these giant chunks of rock were scooped out of the Moses Coulee by the glaciers and deposited randomly throughout the country side when the ice flows receded.
Checking out the route - just to be sure.
Honey - there aren't that many roads up here - I don't think we're going to get lost.
I'll bet the Shepherd was glad you brought your "wubbie" blanket with you! And I was so tickled to read that you both got to sleep late.
It's about time.
I'm with you on packing my squishy pillow - just did that on our last trip. I'm a little worried about flying to NYC next week as "other" pillows tend to give me a stiff neck.
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