Got this in an email full of fun animal pics from my niece.
Now what in the world is goin' on in this bird's brain?
And will these little kittehs be able to eat chicken flavored cat food - (mmm. tastes like "Mom"? Eeeww!)
Me? I've got a horrible cold - it's migrated from nose to chest and now to throat. Seems to be a little different every day and get a little better every day.
I got a very nice award from my friend Leigh - I'll post it this weekend.
Carry on.
This is just too funny! At least they are warm and well cared for.
What a hoot! Sorry to hear you're not up to snuff lately! Bummer! :(
I hope you're able to do some work at home as I know this was a busy week for you.
Leigh was nice to me, too. :) Which reminds me...I need to find out how Rascal is!
That is just too cute! I love it! I hope you're feeling better soon. No word on Rascal's lab report yet.
You've been tagged again! See my blog for details! heeheehee
I'm always suspicious of Photoshop when I see a picture as clever as that, then I pinch myself because cynicism is such a downer. I'm going with what a thought provoking picture and the story that must be behind it. I've got your something too so went to the doc this afternoon and came home with a bottle of drugs. I'm supposed to feel better in ten days.
Hi Tina - stop by my blog. I have something for you to pick up.
it looks like you just can't stop the maternal instinct.
we hope you get well soon! the current crud is nasty and long-lasting.
you've got an award waiting for you at our blog, too!
we love you,
ben & lucy, and mom toni
Hey! I could use a cuddle like that. Thank you so much for visiting my blog during my surgery and diagnosis, and for leaving such encouraging comments. I am so thankful to have so many supportive friends. Purrs!
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