* Getting this picture of my dad as a young man in the mail from my sister. Surprisingly, none of us can remember ever seeing it before. He was a handsome guy. (smile)
* Finding the yarn that I think my younger sister will like for the scarf she wants me to crochet for her - the green is actually a lot more "lime" and the orange is more "o
* Since I'm talking about my sisters, (of which I have three, get it, Three Beautiful...), I'll take this opportunity to again say Happy Birthday to my "oldest" sister. She is r

And since I'm talking about family, I'll remember my mom, who, had she not died 30 years ago, would have been 88 today. Happy Birthday, Mom.
What is it about those older pictures? The people in them always look so debonair! :-) My folks look like movie stars in the pictures from their young adulthood. I love it. Even when they were just standing leaning against a car, with jeans rolled up, they somehow look like they just walked out of a James Dean film! Thanks for sharing. :-) Tammy
Sounds like you have a really great family. Love the colors you chose for that scarf! Please drop by my blog. I've something for you to pick up.
Now we know where you got your good looks from! :)
And now I know where Django got his name from.
On my TBT I was thankful I was inside. Too cold outside and now it's snowing again! I shouldn't complain as this is more normal a year than we've had in a long time.
I just wish my house wasn't leaking! Oi!
What an intriguing picture of your father - you know there's a story that goes with it. He looks very playful. I found a whole album of my father like that and I have no one to ask about the pictures. Your granny squares bring back memories of Mother and me making them together, alas she's gone too. As for Pearl Django, I just opened iTunes and listened to them - may have to purchase for myself.
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