Our good friend
Rascal had to have surgery today. His "dad bean" found a lump on his tummy when he was petting him the other night. They took him right to the vet the next day and the vet said it was probably nothing, but tumors grow quickly on kitties, so best to remove it ASAP. If you click on Rascal's name, it will take you to his blog, where you can see a picture of the poor little guy. They shaved off almost all his tummy hair! Brr - bad time of the year to be bald on your tummy (or anywhere else, for that matter, I guess)

Everyone wanted to wish him well - so here is Sinda saying "Get well my dear, I'll be purring for you!"

Neelix says "Hey buddy, don't let them shave any more of that tummy hair off - hope you don't have to wear that cone too long. I'll be purring for you too!"

And although they look quite scarey with their laser eyes, the girls are actually quite concerned about you Rascal, and you are in their thoughts.
Me too, little guy. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Oh dearest little Rascal...this is very disheartening for me to know because Miss Peach has a cancer tumor on her mamery gland that can not be removed. I pray for it to grow slowly...
hugs from Karla
Thank you so much Tina! You will be pleased to know that in the middle of the night I figured out how to get that stupid collar off and have given myself a thorough grooming to get the v-e-t smell all off. Mom was very alarmed when she got up this morning, until she realized that I can reach my sutures with my tongue. Purrrrrs!
Stunning how powerfully cats insinuate themselves into our lives. Here's a site with "cat quotes" that make me smile:
p.s. Love that varigated fleece, I mean sheep, on the left.
we'll add our purrs to yours, sinda and neelix!
ben & lucy
hi tina, (from mom toni)
i'm post-op now and doing pretty well. starting to get back around to the blogs. i've missed you!
Hi Rascal,
Hope you get well soon.
Puppy hugs and kisses.
Chloe and Stylle ( official taste-testers at ValleView Farms )
Tina, Even tho the vet said to keep the collar on, it won't hurt if it comes off ans stays off after about 5-6 days.( The suture line is healed enough by then. )
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