We went to town today! First time I've been out of the house since Tuesday (seriously) Friday was so awful The Shepherd didn't even leave the house except to feed the critters.
We've had Chinook Winds since Friday afternoon tho, and the snow is GOING AWAY!!!
The British Columbian First Nations People have a legend that tells of a girl named Chinook-Wind, who married Glacier, and moved to his country in the far north. She pined for her warm sea-home in the southwest, and sent a message to her people. They came to her in a vision in the form of snowflakes, and told her they were coming to get her. They came in great number and quarreled with Glacier over her, but they overwhelmed him and she went home with them in the end (Leaving him to melt away in his tears, I guess - Wikipedia didn't tell any more of the story)
The Chinook (pronounced shinook - Chinook is a Pacific Northwest Indian word meaning 'snow-eater') winds can be explained with lot of meteorological mumbo jumbo - but basically they are warm winds that come out of the south (they have been known to raise the temperature from
minus 54 degrees F. to
plus 49 degrees F. in less than 24 hours (Loma Montana in 1972) - That's 103 degrees, folks - Chinook winds are not to be sneezed at (although they are tied to migraine headaches) - We can hear them coming - they literally roar across Bellingham Bay and for 12 hours yesterday it sounded like a jet plane was sitting on our roof, with the throttle open!. These warm winds can literally melt/evaporate a foot of snow overnight - which causes all kinds of havoc - urban flooding. roofs collapsing, etc.
So, all this free time has given me a chance to catch up on things like memes... here is the Eight Things meme that has been going around. So you can see a little into what makes my world go round...
My 8 favorite foods (not necessarily in order):
1 Mashed Potatoes
2 “Quality” Chocolate (dark is best)
3 Pop Corn (caramel or kettle corn best)
4 Tomato Basil Soup
5 Caesar salad
6 New York Steak
7 Arby’s Cherry Turnovers
8 French Onion Soup
8 Things I Did Today:
1 Slept ‘til 10:00 (hey, the sheep belong to The Shepherd, not me)
2 Took a shower
3 Checked my blog
4 Checked my email
5 Checked Miss Peach’s Blog
6 Went to town with The Shepherd, had lunch & got groceries
7 Watched NCIS marathon on TV
8 Washed the yarn for my last two Christmas hats (can anyone spell procrastinate?)
8 Favorite Stores:
1 Walgreens
2 PetCo
3 Haggen Foods
4 NW Handspun Yarns
5 Joanne Fabrics or Michaels Craft Stores
6 Village Books
7 Cresswell Boggs (a local gift store that is stupendous)
8 The Garden Spot
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1 Lorenzo’s (Mexican)
2 McDonalds
3 Café Akroteri (Greek)
4 Cliff House (local steak house)
5 The Hilltop (local family restaurant)
6 Panda Palace (Chinese, of course)
7 Hana Teriyaki
8 Applebee’s
8 Things I Look Forward To:
1 Days off from work
2 Weekends
3 Talking to my sisters on phone
4 Spring
5 Emails from friends
6 Comments on my blog
7 Black Sheep Gathering in June
8 Spinner Guild meetings
8 Things I Like To Do With Family:
1 Friday night dates with The Shepherd
2 Talk on the phone with my sisters
3 Talk on the phone with my nieces – “the Jennifers”
4 Parker’s Birthday party in September
5 Going to church with The Shepherd
6 Shopping with my sisters
7 Get togethers at holidays to visit
8 Go to “The Ranch”
8 Things on My Wish List:
1 Win Publisher’s Clearing House (no purchase necessary)
2 Retire in comfort
3 Get my left knee replaced
4 The book “Wrapped in Crochet” (actually that’s almost off the wish list since I ordered it yesterday from my book club)
5 A Maid
6 A new camera (but the old one still works great, so I can’t justify it)
7 A new car (as much as I love the Jelly Bean, it is 18 years old)
8 Win the Lottery so I could buy out the neighbors and give The Shepherd more pasture.