This has been a sad week for the Cat Blogosphere - Our kitty friends Oscar and Anastasia (plus several others who we're not as well acquained with) have made the trip to the Rainbow Bridge. Sheep friends have lost dear ones too - Tammy at Fairlight Farms lost a special ewe called June. And our family is very sad over the passing of our first cousin, Lorainne, so it is not just our animal friends who we are missing.
As I've said before animals (including loved ones of any species) play such a big part in our lives when they go on that final journey, it leaves such a big hole in our hearts. If you are one who has lost someone/somecat/somesheep recently, may the memories you have help to heal that hole and lessen your pain.
Friday, July 13 we sent our beloved Bailey over the Rainbow Bridge. She was a sweet, shy and loving friend for nearly 10 years. Bless those who are there to greet her and those she will greet in the future.
My heart, and thoughts, go to each and every one who has lost the special ones in their lives.
I can only hope that the fond memories of each one's Lost One fill the space left in the heart from their passing.
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