We had a nice contingent of little fellows.
Sally Tibbets (in the flowered shirt on the right) from Sleepy Hollow farm in Granite Falls was the other breeder with sheep at the fair.

Two other Shetland Sheep breeders stopped by during the fair. Donna & Tom's neighbor, Alta was by on Saturday and our friend Nancy came down on Friday night.

Next were the ewe lambs - Donna & Tom's Amanda and Moni got first & second place.

The Shepherd is on the right in the dark green shirt, helping Donna & Tom show - they had 4 ewe lambs in this class. Moni, the little black lamb that John is leading is very pretty and I think he has his eye on her. She and Scooter would make very pretty babies with fantastic wool (and we might even get a spot or two)

Joyce Thomas, from Thistledown Farm in Edwall, WA helped out by showing Dave & Franna's yearling ewe. Joyce's granddaughter, Brianna also helped out, showing sheep as well. It was great to have Joyce join us - it's about 270 miles from her farm to Mt. Vernon, so it was a huge commitment for her to come. Hopefully next year she'll be back with some of the beautiful moorit sheep that she was telling us about.

In the lamb flock entries, the judge really liked Dave & Franna's triplets - two gulmogets and a katmoget -
Besides having the open judging by Amy, we held our own "NW Shetland Owners" group competition. While all the woolies were lined up outside the pens waiting to go out for the judging, we had our own judging and judged all the Shetlands at the show for Best Tail (Sally's Aggie got first, with D&F's Winter as runner up); Best Horns (T&D's Hemlock with a tie between Sally's Guinness and D&F's Buddy) & Best Fleece (a tie between D&F's Buddy & T&D's Amanda). Prize money, from NASSA & a donation from Eliz. Martin certainly helped to offset everyone's traveling expenses. It was eye opening to get to play "touchey/feeley with so many different styles of fleece (and I'm sure all those little sheepies were ready to say "Would you guys get your paws off our tails" (poor babies).

There were also a number of fleeces entered and having a handspinner as the judge was just the greatest. You could tell that she really liked Shetland wool! Right here, she's commenting to Donna about all her moorit sheep.
Congratulations go out to Dave & Franna for the Best Overall Fleece for a Finn lamb fleece and Reserve Best for one of their Shetland lamb fleeces.
I spent most of the morning demonstrating with my spinning wheel, so I didn't really go out and walk around at all (I'm kind of a "you seen one, you seen 'em all" in the fair department - this fair looks very much like the North Centeral Washington Fair that I spent my "grownin' up years" and my 4-H years going to in Waterville, WA.) - small, homey, a place to meet your friends and have the best corn dog you've eaten in years (mmmm, and the Shepherd put LOTS of mustard on it too) - but of course, no fair would be complete without the biggest steer in the countryside - this big guy's name is Ben and he is over 6 feet tall at the shoulder and is 11 years old. He lives here in Whatcom county. Now, that's a LOT of hamburger...
I think I could easily say that a good time was had by all! Hope to see everyone back next year!
Cool Beans! Even with the camera difficulties there are some nice pictures of everyone.
When I'm with the sheep, they never seem small to me until I see them in photos with a person in it...then I remember what great little animals we have. :)
Oh, Tina! You're a great reporter! Neelix should be proud of how well you did in his absence. ;-)
Thank you for spinning, answering questions, judging sheep, and you and John for all your help!
- Franna
it definitely looks like a good time was had by all...except for your camera!
the man in the brown shorts came today! ben and lucy say: aunt tina, those disco balls are pretty cool...and the stinky goodness came in handy today! mom really likes the lara bars (yummy!), and the jalapenos will go to someone who likes extra spiciness!
thank you so very very much!
ben fuzz
lucy fur
mom toni
Very interesting. I think I wouldn't mind having some of those to observe. Mom oos and ahs over their colors. But, I say Black is the Best.
Hi Tina, I appreciate your kind thoughts! We've been in the low 100s, upper 90s for the past two weeks. Very uncomfortable. This is the first time we've lived with air conditioning and you better know we're using it!
I love the photos. Maybe someday that'll be me too. :)
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