This is Vern - and this time of the year, he is affectionately known as "Mr. Stinky".
The Shepherd had barn and pasture maintenance to do this past weekend to get ready for breeding season. I offered to come out and help "baby sit" Vern as he needs to be supervised when he is in the small pen.
Earlier in the morning he and Galloway were having a brotherly trot around the pasture -
All of the halter training that The Shepherd did with Vern when he was a lamb has really paid off now that he is a BIG boy - although the halter is almost too small, he is still very good about having it on- for a while -
This is his "Please, Please, Please, can't I get out of this thing" look - poor baby.
He got lots of pets and "scriches" - which is why I now have to wash my "new" fingerless gloves before I can wear them again. It seems that this time of the year, rams get that pungent "Hey baby" smell about them - what was I thinking wearing my good gloves out to the pasture?
Three of these lucky ladies were moved out to stay with Vern and Galloway for a few weeks. (Don't ask me which ones - I'll take a picture of them all together soon)
Here's one reason why he's decided to use Vern again this year. He does make beautiful wool.
Vern looks pretty happy! He is a pretty boy. Reminds me a bit of Jasper here, although I think Vern is a bit, uhm..plumper. I think Jasper will be going home over Thanksgiving, so hoping that the five girls will be bred by then. You all asked how I kept fleeces so clean---the sheep have been forced to stay out on pasture during some nice rains we had, plus I'm finally making some progress on keeping my pastures free of damaging weeds. They also hadn't been on any hay yet. However...they will be starting full hay rations soon..and then no more clean fleeces. Sigh. It makes me a bit sick. ha..
Tammy (p.s. Tell Gracie and George that they make awesome Zombie kitties!)
At least he's clean! Loki should have been named "PigPen" as he's been really flinging dirt and good stinky stuff on himself for a month now.
I can only hope some future snow will help clean him up as it's just too cold for a hose-off right now. :(
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