Saturday, July 19, 2008

From the "Olden Days"

My cousin Janet recently sent us some copies of family pictures that she used to make a "story board" for the Mansfield Museum.

My dad (John Reid) is the one on the tractor. He was born in 1918 and appears to be, maybe, in his 20's in this picture. He was such a handsome guy.

"Pete" was my Grandpa and Wallace (on the very back of the harvester), was my uncle.

Here is another picture of Grandpa Pete and Grandma "Dot". Grandma & Grandpa's house was about 100 yards from our house. We spend a LOT of time over there when we were kids.

He died in 1963 - I was 11. Sadly, I don't really remember much about him, although, I remember that he was quite the "kidder" and that he played a mean harmonica.
Grandma's real name was Henrietta - but everybody called her Dot - She was not much for housework and would only cook one chicken for dinner when our family (mom, dad & us four girls) were invited over to dinner (I think I always ended up with the back or a wing!) But she loved to garden and often won prizes for her beautiful flowers.

When I was in High School, I got to drive her to many of her club meetings (Garden Club, Sunshine Club, etc) that she would go to during the month. I'll never forget her talking about "all those 'old' ladies" at her Sunshine Club meetings - mind you, she was in her 70's at the time...

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my humble roots.

1 comment:

LavenderSheep said...

I think your pictures and stories are really interesting. My mother grew up around Wenatchee and other parts of Washington. Her family worked on farms and in logging a couple of generations back through that same area.