Sunday, June 15, 2008

A LOUD Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth

Heavy on the Wailing -

What's the old phrase? Easy like Sunday? -

Not when it's weaning day -

Notice anything about this picture? (I'll give you a hint - the lambs all have horns - and there are no ewes in the picture...)

Yes, the day that's worse than the 4th of July -

Do you know how much racket 5 ram/wether lambs can make? LOTS - (Plus their moms are calling and calling from the other side of the barn.)

Maybe I could go put some valium in their water...

Maybe I could put some valium in MY water...


Leigh said...

So I guess being a shepherd has its down side too. :( I wonder who needs the most pity: the moms, the lambs, or you!

Kathy said...

I agree with ewe about the valium...make it two, please. Weaning is coming to Sheep Thrills this week too. Oi!

Nancy K. said...

tee hee hee...

I've got a few weeks left before I have to traumatize my poor babies. I often find that it's the separated twins (ram lamb separated from his twin sister) who make the most noise. I don't think there's a more pathetic sound in the whole world than a hungry lamb, grazing & with a mouthful of grass, spluttering a muffled, heart-wrenching baa for it's mom or sibling...

Nancy K. said...

P.S. if you sip a glass of wine with that valium, the noise really isn't all that baaaad.......
