Susie: "Who's that?"
Anna D: "What's all the baa'ing about?"
Regina: "Luna - why are you and Jewell out in that pasture by yourselves - you girls come back here this minute"
Gwendolyn: "I can only guess, but you'd never believe what happened to me this morning - to heck with the kids!"
The object of (most of) their questions is Moni. She came to live with us today from Donna & Tom's farm in Alger. She is black but she has several grey/fawn colored spots including her little krunet spot on the top of her head.
She is very well behaved and settled in quickly - her "farm sister" Jewell came to live with us in late summer and I think that they recognized each other. They both have a very distinctive little "Baa-AH-aa" where it goes up at the end- very cute.
Watching a new sheep come into the flock is like watching a marching band gone amuck - but there was no violence only a lot of calling to "Mom" (ok, Luna, it's time to put your big girl pants on and deal with it)
She figured out the feed bowl anyhow!
Neelix is just glad that those "vishus sheep" are on the other side of the fence!
Moni is lovely. I am sure everyone will get used to each other soon.
Say there, Sister: I don't have much experience with sheep (altho I did help Cousin Jimmy show at the fair one year...that was fun!), but I do have experience with "marching bands gone a muck" and while there could be alot of milling about trying to find your place, there's very seldom any real violence...unless you count the bass drum player knocking you over on a quick turn.
Ah, but you never had to fight Yvonne Poole for first clarinet chair - the threat of violence was always there - ha, ha. T.
Congratulations! Wow! See what happens when you travel? ;) I hope to come your way to get a few girls sometime next year...we need some "other" girls around here...and maybe a new little boy not related to you-know-who.
Well done!
Tina: No doubt in my mind, you could have taken her down. You were just too nice.
Tina...I couldn't get the like to Moni's farm family to work! Oi! Which farm is it?
That's a lot of fleece!!!
Too cute. What a wonderful addition to your flock!
Neelix, those sheep look cute, but I agree with you - they are better on the other side of the fence!
Wow is bet it is cozy snuggling up to the soft sheep! Today was a purrrrfect day to spend snoozing in the frying pan sick bay. A nice soft autumn rain fell all day long while I dreamed of all my sweet kitty friends like you who came to help watch over me. It is not how long you live your life that is most important, but the quality of your days is what really matters.
Congratulations--even though I wish you had come to get one of mine! :-) So when does Gwendolyn get to share her experiences?
TAG!! Charlie is tagging Neelix for a meme. Wanta play?!
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