Yes, the woodpecker has arrived and he is looking for a girlfriend - how better to announce your arrival in the neighborhood than to beat on the vent covers of the houses - it echoes so sweetly - surely all the lady woodpeckers in the whole dang area will hear "BRRRRRRRR"
And look, he got a big purple bug to run out of that house - wait a minute, why is she yelling and throwing rocks - Maybe better fly over to that tree and laugh at her "Aaak, aaak, aaak, aaak, aaak!" Oh, and HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!
I don't think your itty bitty jackhammer woodpecker could win a drumming contest with the flicker(s) that keeps attacking OUR house! When we first built it, a flicker insisted on BRRRRRing on top of the metal chimney cap; talk about LOUD! This year he's BRRRRing on the sided part of the chimney, which isn't as loud but probably more easily breached. Durn thing!
We have our own neighborhood woodpecker here in the city. I heard this awful noise one day like a jackhammer. I heard it several times and thought the heat pump was going out. I went outside and looked all around. Didn't see a thing. It happened again. I went outside again, and looked up at the chimney. There he was just pecking away and the metal cover for my chimney. What a racket!! It was the funniest thing to see him pecking at the metal cover. He must have been young. Silly boy, bugs are on TREES! lol!
I WISH we had spring! My trees won't come out until around Mother's Day in May. although they are trying due to our warm weather, the daffodils are just now poking out, but not even they are blooming. (sniff)
We may be able to wear a short sleeved shirt shovelling snow, but I think I would trade that for a long growing season.
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