Monday, March 12, 2007

Home again, home again......

Real quick to let you know that (as far as Dr. Baker was concerned) John's surgery was a SUCCESS! Apparently there was a bone chip or spur and the nerve had somehow snaked around it where it wasn't supposed to be - the bone was pressing on the nerve and that was what was what was causing so much pain - They removed the offending piece of "kaka" and that removed the pressure on the nerve. They didn't have to remove any disc material at all. Whew.

A couple of hours in the recovery room and we are back home - I think he really wanted to stay there longer, but I told him that I hadn't made any arrangements for someone to feed the sheep, because I thought we'd be home in time - and voila' - he screwed up his fortitude and here we are.

I am eternally indebted to our minister, Rev. Nan, who not only came this a.m. to take him to the surgery center, but spent the entire day distracting me from the worries at hand, and then piled him back into her Suburau and brought him back home. Thanks so much Nan, I don't
know how we'll ever repay you. AND, it was still light, thanks to daylight savings time, so I didn't have to do chores in the dark.


Kathy said...

Great news! We were so glad to get your call letting us know all was well. I have to go out to separate Loretta out for water only tonight before her surgery, so I will tell Skittles the good news!

Michelle said...

I think the Marietta Shetlands should be on the PAYROLL, they are such good emotional and physical therapy! So glad to hear the encouraging report; we'll keep praying for a fast recuperation.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like pretty good news. Is this what the term "Getting on my nerves" really means? Here's to a speedy recovery. If you're feeling low, just take a look outside. Spring is in the air.

My best wishes...(and Mike, too)

Leigh said...

What wonderful news. We can all breathe a sigh of relief.

vlb5757 said...

Glad to hear that hubby is doing much better and that things went smoothly. You days of feeding the sheepies in the dark are numbered, right? I see more knitting and spinning in your future! Yeehaw!