Every year on the Sunday closest to May 1st our Sunday School teacher at church organizes a May Pole "event".
Everyone wears crowns of ivy,
There is a small park adjacent to our church where one of the members puts up our May Pole that Margot has festooned with ribbon.
Although these pictures are from 2009, today's "dance" was much like this one - the sun was out (for once) and the group was in good spirits.
Everyone is given their ribbon and assigned either to "sky" or "grass" - ie - you go over first or under first - the finished pole is colorful and festive.
One year she took all the ribbon off the pole afterward and made it into a beautiful woven wall hanging.
Not much is made of "May Day" any more - When I was a little girl my sister and I would make paper baskets and fill them with flowers from my mom and grandma's gardens - for who else? My mom and grandma -
This year everyone came back to the church to share a yummy Transylvanian lunch that our minister had made to benefit our partner church in, where else, Transylvania.
On the home front, The Shepherd is still sick with the flu - I say still - he's been sick since Friday the 22nd.
I'm more than ready for him to get well.
So, Happy SUNday (which we've had might little of here in the Pacific NW - April was the coldest and wettest in HISTORY) and Happy May Day!
I remember weaving baskets and leaving them on porches after ringing the door bell! Beautiful day here, too -- and quite the news to end the day with, huh?
I was just going to ask if anyone remembered leaving little bouquets of flowers on neighbors' porches on May Day. It used to be quite fun for the kids to try and not be seen.
- Franna
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