My friends have lots of grand kids - and their house is beautifully (but kid friendly) decorated up for Christmas - or Christmouse, as the case may be.
The Color's of December are Sparkling and Light!
This is our church choir taken Sunday night after our Christmas service. We're small but we have big voices. Everyone said it was our best performance ever...of course, they always say that...
The Colors of December are filled with Love and Song.
I'm almost done with my Christmas "shopping" though - I discovered a wonderful gift card kiosk at my local grocery store - did a happy dance when I found that Barnes and Noble card for one of my sisters - now I won't have to brave traffic in the "mall" area to get one for her! Yahoo!
Wonderful Christmas colors, and I'd do that same happy dance. I know there are some who turn up their noses at gift cards, but a gift card to a bookstore....the key to the kingdom!
My "colors" are white right about now - another 6 inches of it this evening with more to come. Makes me see "red" sometimes. LOL! And the boys are "green" because I've got them in two pens trying to have Loki get used to them one at a time.
I hope to be home tomorrow to catch up on a few things...maybe with some pictures and a blog to boot.
It's all going to depend on how much snow I have to shovel.Oi!
Love your December colors! Thanks for joining in the challenge!
I'm a fan of gift cards....and the gift of yarn. (I went to a Christmas lunch with my knitting group, and we got yarn grab bags from our hostess. So fun!) Of course, maybe non-fiber people would give weird yarn I shouldn't tell my whole family that I only want yarn!!
Hope you have a great Christmas!
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