Last year first of October - the sunflowers lasted a lot longer - this year's are all gone - knocked over by the wind- eaten by the very happy/hungry finches.
This year first of October - this picture is looking the other direction in our yard from the picture I posted the other day. It's just a riot of color around here right now.
The sunflowers may be gone, but the zinnias are still blooming, aren't they Sinda.
I can hardly wait!'s getting close! WaHoo!
Nice colors - this is my favorite season, and October is my favorite month for just this reason.
Sinda you look so content in the flowerpatch! Soon it will be indoor weather only around the northwest. Mommy let me on the patio for a brief moment because I begged to go out. I have been sneezing and coughing a I do not get my way all the time. I also got a new fun to paddle in the water hee hee!
Autumn is wonderful and I love the colors she brings into the gardens. Mommy really loves the turkey Shepards Pie you baked below....she will make that for me soon! I demand it!
Love and hugs from Miss Peachy
I love the pictures of the trees and the sunflower. I have tried two years in a row to grow the giant sunflowers but the birds go them before they had time to germinate. I will have to figure out another method for next summer.
It's wonderful that you get to visit a fellow blogger. I would love to visit another sheep farm to see the differnce between Merino blends and Sheltlands. Have a good trip!
Tina-I tried to E mail you back but it bounced back so I will ask my question here. It's okay to transplant the sunflowers? I thought they couldn't be transplanted. Boy, if they can, then I will have sunflowers next year for sure. We have a sunroom and it gets warm in the day and cooler at night but still warmer than outside. I think I could plant some in peat pots out there and then transplant them when the weather warms up. Is that what you guys do?
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