My friends Suzanne & Toni have nominated us at A Blip on the Radar for the Thinking Blogger award. I am honored - and according to The Rules, I now need to nominate five more bloggers whose blog gives me pause (or paws, in some cases)
I nominate:
GTR at Raising Frolic I enjoy her point of view on things.
Lavender Sheep's Fiber Garden - It makes me think about what is possible and I love looking at all the cool things that she makes with fiber.
Clare at Three Beautiful Things - Everyone should look for at least three beautiful things in their life every day!
My friends Kathy and Michelle They both write great stories about life and families - I look forward each day to seeing what they have to say (and they help keep me sane)!
I know that's five already, but I want to include Tammy at Musings from Fairlight Farms - her stories of farm life are sometimes funny and sometimes sad - but they give a very honest view of farming and doing it on your own!
The participation rules are simple:
1. If you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link back to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog).
AND - BIG TA DA, as you can see, I have finally figured out (thanks to Skeezix's Cat Blog Help Center) how to do imbeded links! Thank you to Skeezix & all those techie cats for solving this little mystery of life for me.
Bigger TA DA - This week marks one year of blogging - I started Sunday May 7, 2006 after receiving a cancer diagnosis - and a year later, life goes on, cancer free - it was, as my sister hoped, just "A Blip on the Radar". Thanks for coming along for the ride - hope you'll stay for a while.
Hey! Thanks for the Kudos! :) Now I'll have to think of some wise-ass entry on the blog. (LOL) That means I won't take those meds so I have a clear head and will remember what I write. ;-)
Thanks so much for the confidence in me, Tina. I sure appreciate it and it brightened my snowy day!
(All the sheeps' waterers were frozen this morning)
Hello and thanks for the nod! Very nice... Now I'll have to get out there and choose some myself, eh?
your blog looks great! congrats for learning how to embed, and how to put on the badges and everything. that blog help center is pretty cool. that how i learned to embed links, too!
Thanks for nomination, Tina. I'll have to get thinking.
And I want to CONGRATULATE YOU, Tina!!! Your writings have inspired me throughout this past year and I hope you continue to blog and be my inspiration!
Just don't let those vishus sheepies get you!
Wow! Congratulations! I have to admit, you were a top contender when I had to make these same nominations. I like your blog because of your frank but positive outlook on life.
Thank you so much for nominating my blog. I put up my 5 today!
Congratulations on your award and on learning how to imbed links. I just learned that recently, too.
Oh my, there is a lot of information in this post. Congratulations on the blogger award. Your blog is really looking very nice.
Congratulations on the year of cancer free living. Wonderful!
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