#1 - (Tina) I grew up on a wheat farm in North Central Washington - there were 12 students in my high school graduating class - I went through all 12 years with nine of them.
#2 - (Tina) My hair is long - down to my waist (& I just had about 6 inches trimmed off!) The sides are dark blond - but the top is white - my own little skunk stripe!
#3 - (Tina) I love books - (John would say I hoard books) - I probably have over 100 cookbooks - and yet my favorite one is probably the 1960 Betty Crocker Cookbook that was my moms. I have all of the Taste of Home annual books. I also have all of Sue Grafton's Alphabet Mysteries to the most current, I have ALOT (50 or 60?) Nora Roberts books (however they may be going back to the bookstore for credit soon - need more room on the shelves) I have all of Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern books. And Dianne Mott Davidson & Maeve Binchy, to name a couple of my othere favorites authors.
#4 - (Tina) I drive a teal colored 1991 Ford Festiva, affectionately called the Jelly Bean - they are great little cars - way too reliable, so they took them off the market. I Love that little car.
#5 - (Sinda) I just had my 17th birthday - I have lived with my "bean mom" my whole life, except when I was a tiny baby living with my birth mom. My favorite thing to do in the summer is drink out of the waterfall in dad's garden - but mom doesn't like it when I come in with wet legs.
#6 - (Neelix) Mom & dad found me at the Humane Society about 10 years ago - I was a very tiny kitty and very sick (the V-E-T said I probably shouldn't have been adopted out because I was so sick, but mom & dad took very good care of me and nursed me back to health) As a result of being so sick as a baby, I don't have a meow. I have several different chirping sounds - like "thanks for opening the door, it's about time you got here" and my "when is dinner?" chirp.
#7 - (All) We love to sing. Tina used to sing and play her guitar at a restaurant every Sunday night - she did it for 21 years. She is an alto and to this day, when she sings along with the singers on the radio, she sings the harmony part. Neelix & Sinda like the song the B.Kliban wrote
"Love them little mousies, Mousies what I love to eat,
Bite they tiny heads off, Nibble on they tiny feet"
Well, that's all folks - hope you were entertained - I couldn't close without my favorite garden photo from last week - what a sweet face! Oh, and "Tag! You're it" Don't forget to share YOUR Seven Random Facts.

Very good! *lol* Your hair sounds something like mine except I've been experimenting with coloring it. Big mistake. But ah well.........
Sinda, you have your very own waterfall???? For a drinking dish???? Hmmmm. That's what I want!
wonderful '7 random facts'! it's great to know more about you.
your waterfall fountain sounds AWESOME! do you get into it to drink? (or why are your legs wet?)
mama's hair was getting close to waist length when she got it cut this last fall. it's now shoulder length again. no one knows what she's going to do with it.
for her wedding, mama had her hair colored and highlighted. now, it's back to the normal color, which is brown with lots and lots of silver. there are big silver swaths. (i may tease about it, but i think mama's hair is very pretty)
Hey! That old Betty Crocker cookbook is my favorite, too. Unfortunately, Mom got rid of hers and the new one isn't nearly as good. :(
Anne McCaffrey, now there's some good escape reading. I want a dragon to ride. :)
Then, too, I'd like one of Sphinx's treecats for a companion, like Honor Harrington's Nimitz....
I loved this post! What fascinating information about you and your family. I am so glad you adopted Neelix! (And Sinda, too, of course)
What a great way to get to know more about my friend!
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