Did someone hear the gate open?
I think so - outta the way! We're comin' thru!
MOOOOOve it -
Hey, what are we, chopped liver - why do you guys get the belly high grass?
This was the scene last Saturday when John started the process to combine the flock - the babies are old enough to keep out of the way of the older girls - they still got chased around a bit by Gwendolyn -
Her Supreme Royal Highness kind of took over while Queen Regina was out of the barn, but I understand that she has been demoted...that's the way of the barnyard.

Thanks for the kind thoughts about my bro-in-law - the surgery went better than expected. They removed the tumor and he is doing well. He will be having chemotherapy starting next week. This was so unexpected, and has caught us all by surprise. I can't think of anything else to say, but "Get well, James - miracles do happen!"
Yes, miracles do happen and we'll all hope and pray for one for James!
You'll have to send me some sort of Real Estate flyer about the cost of homes in your area, Tina - I'd kill to have pastures like that! I really need to divide mine and let some of it rest. It'a already starting to go dormant due to the lack of rain and water is so expensive here that irrigation might be out of the question.
I'll give you a call this weekend to see how everyone is doing. Many hugs from your SW friends!
So glad that things are going well so far for James. And I love your photos. I can see the personality in those sheep eyes!
lots going on at your place! the sheep look like they're having a grand time. ascension and demotion to the throne. do you have to host coronations?
i'm very glad to hear about james and his surgery. cancer is such a scary word (unless it's related to an astrological sign).
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