They are supposed to have raisins in them, and of course, I forgot to get them at the store last week, so they just had chocolate chips, and I didn't have any nutmeg, so I used extra cinnamon, and I used regular butter, so I only used 1/2 teaspoon of salt - they were just right - & instead of using a 1/4 cup scoop, I used my small scoop (and only baked them for 12 minutes) because I wanted 4 dozen cookies to take in - and if I hadn't eaten so much of the dough (well, it was good!) - I would have probably had almost 5 dozen cookies, but then, who's counting?
Tomorrow night I'll make The World's Best Chocolate Chip Cookies - a variation of Killer Chocolate Chip cookes from an old Diane Mott Davidson mystery novel ( ) - They have dried tart cherries, a little oatmeal and toasted almonds, and are supposed to have two kinds of chocolate chips, but it is very snowy & slick out and John will probably take me to work tomorrow, so they will only have good old Nestles choco chips. They truly are the best chocolate chip cookies that I've ever eaten.
Oh, and congratulations to Susan at Farmgirl Fare ( ) She won the Best Food Blog, Rural award from Well - (you can read all about it on her site - someday maybe I'll figure out how to do it so I don't have to put the URL on here)
It's late, & I'm off to watch Medium - hope it's not a rerun.
I think I'm coming over to YOUR house, Tina! I wish they had a smell capability on these least for the food parts. :)
It's been a hectic day here and we are due for our storm to hit tonight with high winds. Uff Da! I don't mind the cold, but do mind it when it's a driving wind like this one. Even the boys wanted in tonight...but I had to block part of the ram pen off as Skittles doesn't like the chickens coming close to his space. Must be those hormones! :)
You and John be safe in that weather! That's an order!
Hey Tina, how did you know I have a weakness for chocolate chip cookies? I've written down Farmgirl's, but the link to the Killer C.C. Cookies doesn't work. Will you send me the recipe, PLEASE?
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Tina...Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!
It's Friday, Happy Birthday!
...and many more!!!
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