Happy Easter -
We went to church today - much to everyone's delight - The Shepherd is very active in our church - he is the Choir Director, The Grounds Keeper, on the Board of Directors and has been involved in many committees important to the church, like the last two Ministerial Search committees - so people there were feeling, I think, a little vulnerable perhaps? I think any time someone you are close to give you a worry of "what if this were to happen to me" - But, things went well and some of the choir members had even "modified" a version of an old Methodist hymn, "Low in the Grave he Lay" - with some significant changes in the words - gave everyone a chuckle - especially The Shepherd.
Since we don't have any lambs yet (but there are some pretty good baby bumps on Donna & Vanessa out there) I thought I'd bring you memories of years past -
I don't know who this little cutie is. Born March 27, 2009. Generally these ones with the dark bodies and white heads turn grey.
Here it is a couple of months later - that grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
This fine fellow was Wicket - he was born in March of 2010.
Some of our "Farm Fresh Eggs" -
A couple at church brought a dozen of their farm eggs to church this morning. Our Sunday School kids put together gift bags that go up to the hospital for the nurses to give to children who are visiting and need something to do, - the bags have crayons, stickers, other fun things in them. The idea of the eggs was to "auction" them off to raise money for the Hospital Gift Bag project - Lets just say that someone is going to be eating a pretty expensive omelet tomorrow morning and they raised enough to fill 10 more gift bags.
It's time to get all of his bonsai plants out of the greenhouse! One of his friends is coming over to help him on Tuesday. Yeah Kurt!
This picture always reminds me of "home" - ie, where I grew up over in Eastern Washington. We had literally thousands of these plants, "Grape Hyacinths" lining the garden paths. My little clump grows every year, but it's going to be a while before they line our garden paths. They are, however, one of my favorite spring flowers.
I hope you enjoyed this look back with me. Can you believe April is only 4 days away? I could say, "what happened to March" but I know that 3 weeks of it was spent with The Shepherd being sick - with 10 of those days in the hospital. Whew - I hope that doesn't happen again.
Happy Spring to you all!
I bet everyone was THRILLED to have you and John back at church! I know how important BOTH of you are to the Blaine church. By the way a couple of former Blaine Free Church Us have settled in Astoria----Becky and Larry T. They've spent the last ten or so years in Panama, but remember Blaine fondly.
Well, don't look back – and tell March not to let the door hit it on its backside on the way out!
Glad the Shepherd was able to go to church with you Sunday. Hope he continues to improve.
I am delighted John is feeling better...as I know you are to have him home again.
Talk to you soon!
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