Friday, September 27, 2013

We're on MOUSEBREATH!!!!!!

Hello Effurry Body and Effury Kitty -

We are thrilled over the moon because we's been interviewed for MOUSEBREATH - What's MOUSEBREATH, all my "non-kittyfied" friends are asking...

MOUSEBREATH is an Award Winning Lifestyle e-Magazine written by cats, for cats and cat lovers.

Think LIFE magazine, for Cats...

How cool is that?

Our furriends the Funny Farmer Felines are reporters for MOUSEBREATH and write about different Kitties every week.  And this week, it is US!

And we get to proudly display this badge that will always link to the article.  Woo Hoo.  

So we say HELLO to everyone who has come to visit.  We hope you'll stay a little bit, check out the farm, find a recipe that you want to try, and maybe leave a note for the kittehs - they love having visitors!  

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Baby Sister

NNT circa 1956
Well, saying Happy Birthday to my "Baby Sister" on my blog is kind of pointless, I guess, because she doesn't READ my blog - (to quote JarJar Binks "how rude"), and, even though we don't always see eye to eye, (what sisters do...) I still wish her a happy big 6-0 - 

PS - Stay tuned on Friday for big exciting noos from the kittehs! 


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Easy Like Sunday -

Hello Effurry body & Effurry Kitty! It's Caturday!

We dragged Mummy out into the garden today and made her take pictures of us. 

It's probably the last nice weekend day we're gonna have for a while, so it was a make hay while the sun shines kind of day.

Mummy says that George is the George Clooney of cats - I just don't get what she means - yes, his name is George, but what's a Clooney???

The Shepherd's Gardens are looking pretty spectacular - even though it's been a dry summer.

They look lush and green - and Mummy likes the little bits of color that peek out of the bushes. 

I think Mummy must have spilled a little bit of breakfast on Bella - George is fixing that problem. 

These are grape tomatoes and they are delicious (according to Mummy - I'm not much into tomatoes...)

She was wondering if anyone ever takes the little bitty green ones and dredges them in an egg wash and flour then fries them up for Fried Green Tomato Balls.  She thought that sounded kind of fun...

Mummy & The Shepherd have church tomorrow then she said they would have to hurry home because there is a SEAHAWKS game on!  She's gong to make Steak Fajitas and Green Corn Tamale Pie  - (She says that more people have visited that page in our blog than any other!) 

We'll have some big exciting news for you soon - so keep checking back!

Love, your roving reporter, Gracie

Monday, September 09, 2013

The world's shortest Hollyhocks...and other earthly delights

We have the world's shortest Hollyhock plants!  These are maybe six inches tall - if they stretch -

When I was a kid, my grandma's yard was full of tall Hollyhocks.  Our yard was full of tall Hollyhocks - with loads of flowers on them. 

Did you know that you can make a fancy dancing lady with two Hollyhock blossoms - one fully open and one still closed?  You need a pointy toothpick - pluck the blossoms off the tall stems.  Put the fully open one so it sits flat on your surface (see the pretty skirt that it makes -with the fancy green shawl?)

Take the blossom that is still partly closed up, hold the colored blossom part to the top and the green part will match up with the green part of the "skirt" and poke the toothpick in the stem of each one and stick them together - green to green - My sister & I used to make trays of our dancing ladies and have Hollyhock balls - You learn to make do when you live way out in the country and 50 years ago, cablevision? What was cablevision???

The maple trees are beginning to set seed.  Even though the forecast is for near 90 degree weather by Wednesday, fall is starting to show her colors.

Gracie is doing her morning yoga - The kittehs have "loved" a big divot in the side of this post. 

I had some other garden pictures for you, but The Ebil Blogger loaded them, and then took them away.  Isn't that how life goes sometimes?

Work is busy, church is back in full swing and I have a cardiologist appointment tomorrow morning - early! So, I think I'll hit the sack.

Have a good week!  

Monday, September 02, 2013

Why I didn't get my shower this morning...

This is the hose bib out by the barn (where it connects to the under ground water line).  It had been running at a trickle, and when you have 8 sheep and a plant nursery to provide water for, a trickle just doesn't make it.  So The Shepherd decided that since he had the day off (Labor Day) that he would use it to labor and replace the darn thing.

Unfortunately one of the parts cracked when he was digging it up and he had to turn off the water to the whole place and run into town - the part that cracked was the only part he didn't have extra of! Thank goodness Home Depot wasn't closed for labor day!!

Darn - I had forgotten that he was going to do that - and that's what I get for sleeping in...

Of course he had no lack of supervision. 

"Do you need me to jump down there and check things out???" 

Looked like too much work for Gracie...

Bella & Gracie had a solution to my "no shower" woes. 

"There's nothing better than a good dust bath, Mummy"

Roll this way and that, and then do a few lickety lick licks.

You'll never know you missed that shower.  

"Yeah, right,  Fresh as a daisy..."