Sunday, July 01, 2012

A New Caturday Report!

Bella, "hiding" in the potted plants on the porch, soaking up some rays.  

Oh, Hai -

You mean rays of rain drops, don't you Mummy?  

Although it has been cool and cloudy here, we have decided not to complain - there are many people whose homes have burned up in the fires in Colorado or who are sweltering in the extreme heat on the east coast, we are lucky here

Our yard is lush and green, taken care of by the expert hands of The Shepherd, in his other life as JP's Serenity Gardens.  We are very fortunate! 

I am awfully glad that Mummy and The Shepherd came back from where ever it was they went.  They were gone for three long sleeps -

Two very nice food ladies came and put out our crunchies and stinky goodness.  I think they put out foods for the vishus sheeps too.   But it just wasn't the same. 

It is nice to have Mummy home now though.  I feel much more safe when she is here - especially on Caturday, because she sleeps in late and we all get to stay in the big bedroom longer than on the days when she has to leave early to go to the salt mines. 

This weird bird went flying over the house while we were all  outside.  It was very noisy. 

 We sat on the porch and watched Mummy take pictures of all the sheeps furs that she brought home with her.  Some of them are very pretty,  She says she'll show you what they look like soon.  I only heard her mumbling something about an addiction to mohair locks...

Speaking of vishus sheeps, a lady came the other day and took two of the babies away!  Apparently Mummy and The Shepherd had talked to her on their trip and she needed two pretty little sheepies - it was a done deal before any of us realized what was happening!  

Sandy - the girl one of the white ones, is not happy and has been crying since, because her BFF is gone away.  Poor thing. 

So, everybody and everykitty - have a good week and a safe 4th of July.  I'll be glad when this week is over, there are too many booms and whistles and bangs going on for my likings.  

But where ever you go and what ever you do, remember to stop and smell the flowers.

Bye for now, 

         Love, Bella.  


Katnip Lounge said...

Bella, we feel bad for the lonely sheepies! But we suppose that if The Shepard kept them all you would be over-run.
We are happy your Mom is back where she Belongs.

Kathy said...

HI, Miss Bella...

Our mum sez you shud say hi to your mum for her. We are all so hot right now - all we do is tak something mum calls "siestas" during the day. My brudder Mooch won't efen com out until dinnertime!
Mum is cleaning sheeps furs to get them ready to sell. She sez she was too busy beefor to do it. She's also doing sumthing called weeving on the big things we thought were ours to play wif. They make noise when she uses them.
Stay cool there. We needs it to rain.

L'il Rascal in Airy Zona