The 14th of April and it snowed.
OK, the earth is not shaking,
The wind is not switching,
The house is not pitching,
and the hinges are not unhitching -
But it is the middle of April, and it's snowing!
Stories of everyday life on our farm, featuring cats, our little flock of Shetland Sheep and garden life, plus a recipe to try every once in a while. Wait, now there is spinning and crocheting, don't forget spinning and crocheting all that Shetland wool... So, thanks for stopping by - who knows what you'll find!!
Beautiful clear starry skies at night - frost in the morning. It is cold for the middle of April and yes, we don't want to complain, but....
Since I prefer cold to hot and the images from other parts of the country on the news are so awful, I am practically singing hallelujah here....
It snowed quite a bit here yesterday but then melted. I am not sure when the garden will be planted.
It is exceptionally cold. There was a heavy frost here just last night. The waning moon is lovely, though. Garden... poor tomato starts - I need bigger pots! At least my neighbor (with a greenhouse!) took the tomatoes and they were better sheltered last night! The "S" word is in the forecast again.
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