To show off the lush green hills around our town, I took this picture on I-5 heading south out of town earlier this month when we went down to Monroe to pick up our processed wool from Gretchen's Wool Mill in Monroe WA. Even though it is only about 60 miles away it takes a good 1 1/2 hour to get there, and sometimes longer - like this time, when there was an Antique Car Swap Meet at the Monroe Fairgrounds, which is before you get to where Gretchen lives - so you have to get through all the traffic - I wouldn't do well living in a city with a lot of traffic...
I prefer quite & pretty places - like our back yard (although it's not too quiet if the sheep know you are there - because they figure you should be either feeding or entertaining them)
This is a blossom on one of The Shepherd's bonsai plants. It is a Japanese Azalea - so pretty with the multi-colored blossoms.
And we have a little bit of a pink and white theme going on here, I see - this Columbine flower is also pink and white
Another Azalea - you can see this one through the trees when you come into our yard - and it is on the far side of the house from the driveway!
I was afraid that we had lost this fern last winter - but he chopped it off and it came back - even prettier than ever!
This little species iris is so delicate - it is not much bigger than this photograph shows it.
Another Azalea - this one is in a pot - I have always said "Some people move their furniture around - my husband moves his plants"
It is one of the prettier ones, I think - it is also very fragrant.
Here is one of The Shepherd's colorful bonsai plants. This little one is a seedling from the large red Japanese maple that we have at church.
Grasses add such a nice bit of texture to landscaping - and different colors too - this one being of a blue shade.
Ah, another pink and white blossom - the is a Chinese tree peony. They don't have many blooms but they are very showy.
Something new for our yard - The Shepherd had decided to plant lavender plants and he is growing them from seed. Aren't they cute?
Speaking of seeds - The seeds that this maple has make it look like it is covered with red flowers.
This is a lace leaf Japanese maple that The Shepherd gave me for my birthday a couple of years ago - Also in a pot, it will grace the front porch this year.
Here are some Hens and Chicks from my rock garden. It is about the only thing that hasn't gotten invaded by this horrible zebra grass that I planted (because it was so pretty and soft -- little did I know that it was also SO invasive!)
A close up of Miss Kim, my Korean Lilac bush that we brought with us when we moved here from my little house in town.
When I first put it in my garden, it was less than a foot tall - now it is about 5 feet tall and about 5 or 6 feet around - it is also 30 years old!
One last friendly face from the planter by the back porch that The Shepherd filled with pansies for Easter. Here it is almost June and they are still going strong -
I hope you have enjoyed my "Color's of May" If you would like to see some more (often astonishing) colors of May from all around the world go see Sue at Life Looms Large.
Thank you so much, Sue, for this wonderful glimpse into each month through the eyes of the rest of the world!