When you have this many crochet hooks?
Well, one can never have too many crochet hooks...
So you get a couple more...
I traded this one (made from purple heart wood, with copper wire inlay) for some computer work and new business cards for Allen Berry, "The Spindle Smith"- He was one of the vendors at the wool sale. Allen makes beautiful drop spindles, carved wood buttons and these delightful crochet hooks. (sorry, I didn't get a chance to take a picture of his drop spindles and the gorgeous carved wooden buttons)
The top one is made from Mahogany, the middle one (see close up above) is made from teak, and again, the purple heart one. $18.00 each - I thought that was a very goooood deal.
Yes, we had a really good time at the Wool sale. It is so much fun to get new toys!
You can never have too many hooks, needles, spinning wheels, wool, sheep...you see where this is going right??
Glad you got some of Allen's crochet hooks. He traded fleece and roving with me for a spindle. He does amazing work!
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