Saturday, August 25, 2012

For the bounty of this earth -

From The Shepherd's garden

We'll have Broccoli, chicken & penne pasta for dinner - and I just found a recipe for Zuccini Bites while I was surfing the web (ie. wasting time) this afternoon.  I think I'll try them too.  

He grew the little orange cherry tomatoes just for me!  And they are yummy! 


Katnip Lounge said...

Everything looks SCRUMPTIOUS!

Yvonne said...

Looks great, Tina! I bet mine are about ready, too.

We're having a great time at Cape Breton in Nova Scotia. Lot s of music tomorrow!

Great big thanks to John & Nancy for getting our ram where he belonged. Lisa must have left the gate unlatched. It was 2:30 a.m. Here when she called.

Kathy said...

Nice. Something ate most of our broccoli, but it's been a good tomato/pumpkin year for us this year.
I'm planting more nad more in containers - that can be moved in case of the Rats-with-Antlers invading the property. That said, I think it's the small rabbit we've seen doing most of the damages.