Saturday, October 08, 2016

Spartan accomodations

Well, so sorry that I have left you all hanging...I finally got into a room at about ten o'clock.  A very small room with a bathroom down the hall, no door just a curtain.  But it was better than Hall Bed #5.  Ha ha.
It was a long day.
The CT scan they did showed no new damage but old breaks to three vertebra and it has been conjectured by more than one person that the fall may have aggravated them, hence why I couldn't walk. 
My stay was overnight and the PT guy released me to go home at about three o'clock or so..  There was some running around to get prescriptions etc. Got home at about five or so.  The Shepherd has been wonderful of course.  At this rate we're going back and forth on taking care of each other.
It is the end of the day on Saturday now.  It seems like I am more sore today than I was on Thursday,which was also predicted.  It is.about time to hit the sack. I'll write more.tomorrow.  blogging from my please excuse the errors. 


Lilylou said...

Thanks so much for the update, Tina. I hope you're soon up to snuff again and more mobile.
Thinking about you and the Shepherd.

Momma Maria said...

Tina, I'm glad you're home and doing a little better - it's also good to know John is feeling better and able to take care of you. Keep us posted & take it easy!

Anonymous said...

So sorry. Heal quick!