Thursday, May 26, 2016

Snacks for Church - Very Berry Cream Cheese spread

We helped with snacks for after church last weekend.  I made a couple of cream cheese spreads to go on the bagels that we brought.  (Plain bagels and Thomas Limited Edition Banana Bread Bagels, which were delicious, by the way) The spread I made for the plain bagels also worked for the crackers that someone else had brought - it was a Muffaletta spread with cream cheese, olives, jardiniere and salami - oh, it is so good.  The spread I made for the Banana Bread Bagels was, as I called it "Very Berry Cream Cheese Spread".  Quite frankly, it's really so good, who needs a bagel - just scoop it up like frosting - ha ha...

One of the ladies asked me for the recipe, so here it is -

Very Berry Cream Cheese Spread

1 8 oz. pkg. Philly cream cheese - I used Neufchatel style light cream cheese
1/4 cup softened butter (NOT margarine)
1/4 cup Chobani Mixed Berry Greek yogurt
2 or 3 tablespoons Bonne Maman brand jam - I used Raspberry-Apricot because that was what was open in the fridge - (I like Bonne Maman jams because they are just fruit, and sugar.  No other added ingredients - no artificial colors or additives, no high fructose corn syrup and they are free of preservatives)
1-3 teaspoons sugar (to taste - both the cream cheese and the yogurt make this a little bit tart without it)

Beat the cream cheese and the butter until smooth and fluffy.  Beat in the yogurt, add the jam and mix.  Add the sugar to taste - It is good to let it sit in the fridge for a couple of hours so the flavors get all nice and happy. 

Enjoy on bagels or toast, or crackers - or a spoon - (probably if you put a couple of cups of powdered sugar in it would make delicious frosting as well, but I haven't tried that, so only do it if you are adventurous)


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