Sunday, October 19, 2014

Caturday Confessions

Hello Effurybody and Effurykitty! 

It's Caturday, and Mummy has a confession to make, don't you Mummy?

"Oh, I don't think so Gracie, what are you talking about?"

You know, about you bein' an addik.......  Tell the people what you are addikted to.....   Like something that is keeping you from telling our stories, because you are busy doing your addiktion thing on the computer...

"Oh, you mean shopping on  That's not an addiktion, that's a necessity"

No, I mean when you say, "OK, just one more game and then I'll go to bed"  ....Admit it Mummy, you are addikted to (here it is folks - she is telling my secrets)  Computer Solitaire...........

Yup, plain old computer Solitaire has got me in it's grips - you know, the one at the top of the list when you click on the "Start" menu on your PC- not online or anything - just plain old Solitaire...I can sure see how people can get into trouble with gambling.  You think, just one more game and I'll win the next one. 

Holy cow! 


Michelle said...

Hello, my name is Michelle and I'm addicted to 2048: Sheep to Sweater Edition 2....

Katnip Lounge said...

For me it's Bejeweled 2...DO NOT INVESTIGATE IT!

Tina T-P said...

Yes, I think it is better that I do not know about 2048 S-S It looks like it could suck you in pretty quickly - & I have played Bejeweled - I think it has something that attaches to your brain like those little fish in the Amazon that attach to bigger fish - eeek... T.

Sue C said...

So true...funny how you're working on something and the idea pops into your head that you should check out some random fact or website...and an hour later, you come up for air!

brokenteepee said...

You should tell your mommy to try Freecell. It's like solitaire on steroids.

Thank her for visiting my blog too, OK?